There are so many things I want to do in this life and sometimes I feel like I cannot do them all. Afterall, that is my greatest fear - not doing everything I want to in this lifetime.
This fall - a season of change and transformation - I am doing the things to reset and set myself up for success to live simply, productively and efficiently.
If you ever have similar thoughts and are exhausted by decision fatigue, I invite you to join me.
Completely clean out your spaces at home, at work, in your car, garage - all of it. If you're getting rid of things, do it immediately so you don't have the temptation of keeping any of it and storing it somewhere.
Get rid of clothes you don't LOVE and I mean love as in you would actively choose to spend money on it again right now.
Sell or give them away within 24 hrs.
Declutter your home
Get rid of the decor, mugs, books, etc. that you would not actively choose to spend money on it again right now.
Sell or give them away within 24 hrs.
Clean your spaces
Deep clean - like move furniture and get on your hands and knees to get into all the little crevasses that collect unseen dust.
Fully clean out your refrigerator, pantry and freezer. Get rid of anything that is empty, old or won't be used.
Clean your towels, sheets, etc. and/or get new ones.
Organize your closet
Determine the different "uniforms" you wear in life. Maybe work is business casual, going out is usually black tops and jeans, and day to day is athleisure.
Organize your closet by each uniform and simplify the process of getting ready.
Find items you LOVE and buy them in different colors/prints to keep it simple while still having fun with your personal style. Be able to intermix items and mix and match dressing up and down with the same few pieces.
Make sure your shoes, belts and bags match & invest in pieces that will go a long way.
Organize your common areas to support your goals.
Put two books on your coffee table or near your coach/tv set up.
This will serve as a great reminder as you go to relax and veg watching tv, that a part of you maybe really really deep down somedays wants to be reading, learning and using brainpower.
Do the fancy wellness things at home
Do hot-cold showers ending your shower with 30sec-1min of cold water
Stretch on a yoga mat to soothing music in the morning and at night
Ice roll your face in the morning
Fill your food storage spaces with healthy foods and ingredients. Don't over buy at the beginning - start minimally with foundational items and work your way up from there.
2 meats - steak + chicken
2 fish - cod + shrimp
4 vegetables - carrots, lettuce, onion, beets
2 fruits - berries + mango
2 fats - avocado + nuts
2 carbs - sweet potatoes + tortillas
condiments - olive oil, hot sauce, salt, pepper, garlic salt, paprika
Put your writing materials near your coffee maker or morning wake up spot
Write 3 things to will accomplish that day
Write 3 things you're grateful for
Write 3 ways you will live as your best self
Free write until your brain feels clear
Sometimes I get caught up in thinking the process to live a clear, productive, fun, full life has to be full of things. Full of fun clothes, extravagant recipes and a full calendar. When things become overwhelming and cluttered is when I remember that is not the case. Brain power shouldn't be used on the foundational things like eating, getting dressed and moving your body, it should be used on solving problems, supporting relationships and driving positive change in the world.
So, let's get back to the basics - clear out the external to have a clear internal state.