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When another version of you would be in awe at your life... but you're not

Updated: Dec 16, 2024

Has there ever been an experience or phase in life that you know your past or future self would've thought was the coolest thing ever, but since it's happening right now not at the "ideal" time, you are almost upset at the fact it's happening?

Maybe it's a promotion during a stressful time at home.

Maybe it's the call to join a board, commission or volunteer role at the same time you return to work from maternity leave.

Maybe it's getting into school after you find out a family member is sick.

Maybe it's the gut feeling to make a leap into entrepreneurship as soon as you get comfortable in your day job and finally feel financially secure.

Maybe you have the opportunity to travel but just bought a house to rehab.

"Perfect timing" in life does not exist if you don't trust the process that "everything happens FOR (not to) me and for a reason."


Rephrase "not the right time" to "it's happening at this time for a unique reason"

Consider what this "special timing" of the event could teach you, what challenges you could overcome from experiencing it, how you can grow personally and professionally through it, and how can you further tap into your purpose.

  • All versions of you - past and future - are a part of you right now. Dig deep and channel that inner child or more senior version of yourself and let that version of you come to fruition. It's that part of your spirit's time to shine!

  • Sit in the uncomfortable and take time to pray, meditate and find comfort it the unknown. If you believe in a greater spiritual power - TRUST IT.

  • Could the promotion be an opportunity to let the "little things" at home go, and focus on something new, and exciting that will lead to more stability at home and allow you to feel a greater sense of purpose outside of home?

  • Could you learn better time management, time batching, and organizational skills?

  • Could you prioritize the short time we have with people we love in our lives?

  • Could this be a lesson to trust your gut, or perhaps a time to launch a side hustle?

If you're going through a phase of "why now" it's likely happening to realize what's truly important to you and can serve as a beautiful time to reflect on the priorities in life.

Above all else, THIS IS HAPPENING!! This specific experience is only happening NOW and it is up to you to make the most of it. Take it day by day. Embrace all that this season brings. Remember - it won't last forever, even if you end up wanting it to, so be present with it and let it serve its purpose FOR YOU.


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