How have I grown this year - both personally and professionally?
What am I grateful for this year?
What do I wish was different about this year and how can I get ahead of it next year?
What gave me energy vs. drained by energy this year?
How can I deepen and better prioritize my relationships with family and friends?
What was my health journey like this year and how can I live optimally next year?
Did I maximize my time to be present in each area of life (work, family, friends, volunteer, etc.)?
How can I deepen spiritual practices and relationship with religion?
What will bring me to "the next level?"
Envision 2025
Choose a word of the year.
Consider embracing something new each month
What five things do you want to accomplish and how are you going to achieve them?
Consider what systems can be put in place to ensure you stay true to your nonnegotiables like eating healthy, working out, journalling, time batching your work days, going to church, etc.
Consider how you can make the most of your relationships - plan time with family and friends and be open to new opportunities to build relationships.
Consider if the five people you spend the most time with are filling your cups, inspiring you, motivating you, keeping you accountable, and supporting you spiritually, mentally and physically.